Blog & Birth Stories

Blog posts are written by Owner and Doula of Katie Marie Doula Services.

Birth stories are anecdotal stories of births in which the author was granted permission to share from the birthing parents. All persons involved are kept anonymous.

Birth Doula Serving

Pitocin Induction At 38 Weeks Gestation Due To Suspected IUGR.

April 03, 20234 min read

Note: Mom’s provider was an OB/GYN, birthing in a hospital and without the support of a Birth Doula.

First-time mom headed into her 38 week prenatal checkup at her OB/GYN office. They were doing BPP’s (Biophysical Profiles) every 2 weeks to check on babies well being and growth rate due to suspected IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction). Each time before, baby had “passed” this ultrasound criteria with flying colors… but this time was different.

At 36 weeks moms fundal measurements were behind what they should have been. This is the measurement from the top of the uterus (the fundus) to pubic bone and should match your gestations in centimeters during the 3rd trimester. It is considered normal to be measuring 1-2 cm forward or behind. At 36 weeks mom’s fundal height was more than 2 centimeters behind and the OB/GYN decided it was best practice to perform BPP’s for the remainder of the pregnancy to make sure baby was growing and doing well. During the 36 week BPP, baby scored a 10/10.

During a Biophysical profile ultrasound, they are looking at 4 components: fetal body movement, fetal muscle tone, fetal breathing movements, and amniotic fluid volume. Should the ultrasound technician determine that there is irregularity in any of these components, it would be scored as a 0. Scoring between 8-10 is considered normal and anything under that is considered abnormal. In this case, the provider may order a non-stress test (NST) or another BPP 24-48 hours later to re-check the score. Depending how low the score is, the provider may decide to delivery the baby.

At 38 weeks, mom went in for her now-routine BPP and appointment with her provider. During the BPP, the ultrasound tech noted that baby was not doing any practice breathing this time. Upon talking with the OB/GYN afterwards, the parents were told that sometimes babies can be lazy and they would repeat the BPP the following day. So mom shows up to her appointment the next day (which happens to be her birthday!), the ultrasound was repeated by the same ultrasound technician and once again, no practice breathing. They give the baby 30-minutes to show at least one episode of continuous breathing lasting at least 30 seconds. Due to “failing” this portion of the BPP two days in a row, the patient being full term (38 weeks) and the patient having a “favorable cervix” (soft, starting to thin and dilate) the provider decided it was best to induce mom and delivery the baby.

Mom was able to run home to collect her things, grab a bite to eat and then was to head to the hospital. Once settled into the birthing room, IV fluids were started and then Pitocin (a synthetic form of oxytocin). From there it was a long evening and night of slowly progressing labor. Epidural was given pretty early on and bag of waters ruptured on their own around 4 cm. Parents were able to get a bit of overnight rest due to the epidural. Around early morning, labor was progressing well and mom had the shakes due to transition. Shortly after, the cervix was fully dilated and thin and it was time to push.

Due to the epidural being very strong, mom couldn’t feel when to push on her own and was therefore having troubles pushing correctly and effectively with each contraction. After about 2 hours of pushing and rest periods, it was determined that babies head was tilted towards one of moms hips making it difficult for the head to descend all the way down the pelvic cavity properly. The nurse then brought what is called the “peanut ball” which is a giant exercise type ball that is in the shape of a peanut. Mom was laid back and put on her side with the peanut ball between her legs for several contractions, then flipped to the other side and repeat. This did help babies head rotate into a more optimal birthing position. Mom was put onto her back to resume pushing.

Another 30 minutes later, mom was really struggling physically and mentally. The nurse offered to pull a giant mirror down in front of mom so that she could see her progress as she was pushing. This ended up being the motivation that was needed and another 15 minutes later, baby was born. Apgar of 10/10 and perfectly healthy, 6 lb. 8 oz. baby boy!

– Written by Katie

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Birth Services

Birth Doula Services

Childbirth Education / Birth Planning



What does a Doula do?

A Doula provides physical, emotional and educational support throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

What type of births do you support?

I support all types of births. I support births at home, in a birthing center or in a hospital. I support non-medicated and medicated births. My role is to give you the information to make evidence-informed decisions regarding your pregnancy and birth and then to support those decisions whatever they are.

What areas do you serve?

For birth support, I serve all areas between and surrounding Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio. Childbirth education can be done 100% virtually.

What happens if you cannot be at my birth?

When you are my client, you are my #1 priority. I will make every effort to be at your birth as promised. In the rare event I cannot be there such as severe illness or family emergency, I have a backup Doula I work closely with. You will receive her information at one of our prenatal appointments. In addition, I have several back up doula contacts in the community that I work with.

What is your refund policy?

I require a non-refundable 50% deposit at the time of contract signing with the remainder of the fee due at 36 weeks. In the event you decide to cancel I offer a % refund depending on the gestation you are to cancel. Any cancellations past 36 weeks are not refundable. For my refund policy in detail, please contact me for more information

Does a Doula replace the support of my partner?

Doulas and birthing partners work together as a team to provide continuous support to mom throughout labor and delivery. We will practice physical comfort techniques during prenatal appointments so that partners can feel confident in their support on delivery day.

Does having a Doula really make a difference?

YES! Women who have a Doula are much more likely to report a positive birthing experience. Although a Doula cannot guarantee any outcomes, evidence shows that having a doula reduces the rate of birth interventions, medicinal pain relief and C-sections.

How does a Doula support me if I plan to have an epidural?

There are many tools available to a laboring mom and the epidural is one of them. I support all birthing options and make sure you have all the information you need to decide what feels right to you at the time. Before an epidural there are sensations that require focus to work through. I will help to keep you comfortable with providing comfort measures such as breathing, positions, massage and other tools until an epidural is available to you. After the epidural is placed, there is much to be done between resting to manually mobilize the pelvis and encourage baby to continue to rotate & descend now that we do not have the added benefit of gravity.

Is a Doula necessary for me if I had a baby before?

Every birth process is unique and therefore having the experience of a Doula to guide you allows you to go through this journey with more ease and confidence. Many of my clients are on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, even 5th babies when they hire me.

I've heard labor is faster after my first. Why do I need a Doula?

Many experienced parents talk about how the second and subsequent births can go faster than the first experience. This is because the uterine muscle has done this before and therefore can travel through the stages at a greater speed but this is not always the case. Every birth experience is truly unique and there are many variables in birth to be considered. Having a doula's support and expertise can optimize the chances for a more efficient and pleasant birthing experience.

How is Doula support different than family and friends?

Family and friends are an amazing community of support to have. The challenge is that many of them do not have the same experience or unbiased support that a Doula can provide. Friends and family tend to share many of their opinions and may feel that the way they did things are the right way. Your Doula is your guide to find “your” way through this journey.

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