Birth Doula Services

Fee - $1,250

(Monthly payment plans available upon request.)

Ongoing Prenatal Support:

I will be available to you via calls/texts from the moment you sign your contract until 6 weeks postpartum.

Three Prenatal Visits:

During prenatal visits, my approach as a doula is rooted in building a strong and trusting relationship with you and your birthing partner.

These personalized sessions are a dedicated time for us to delve into the unique aspects of your pregnancy journey. I carefully listen to your experiences, desires, and concerns, creating a safe space for open communication. Drawing from my extensive knowledge and experiences, I provide evidence-based information on various aspects of pregnancy, labor, and postpartum, ensuring that you are well-informed and empowered to make decisions aligned with your preferences.

We will work to mitigate fears & anxieties, discuss and practice the importance of advocacy in pregnancy & birth, and create a birth plan to highlight your values and desires for your babies birthday!

You will also benefit from my extensive training in the Body Ready Method ®.
BRM® uses a 5 pillar method to help the pregnant and birthing body achieve balanced strength and mobility in order to not only minimize aches, pains, and dysfunction, but to also support a more efficient birthing process via optimal fetal positioning.
BRM® assessments and body balancing are included in the prenatal visits for my doula clients.


I will be present during labor, delivery and up to 2-hours postpartum to help you settle in with your newest family member. My support will be 100% customized to your specific needs and desires, all of which will be discussed thoroughly during prenatal visits. Support can vary from person to person and even contraction to contraction.

Some examples of this support include, but are not limited to:

  • Fostering a calm and positive environment via lighting, aromatherapy, gentle massage and encouragement to protect your labor flow state.

  • Sharing my expertise and experience to help you feel informed and confident in decision making throughout labor, as necessary.

  • Facilitating holistic techniques to help labor progress such as movements, laboring positions, and acute releases to the tissues in and surrounding the pelvis, as necessary.

  • Providing comfort measures such as massage, counter pressures, hot/cold therapy and more.

  • Guided breathwork

One Postpartum Visit:

We will schedule and tailor this visit to your needs at that time. We can debrief on birth, talk recovery and breastfeeding. I can answer any questions you have and help you find any further postpartum resources you may be in need of such as lactation consultant or support groups. If time allows, I can also care for baby while you take a shower or eat!

Just Need To Chat?

Are you looking for someone knowledgeable and experienced in

pregnancy, labor and birth to chat with?

Do you have questions on hospital procedures, interventions and your options for your birth?

Do you need help formulating the right questions for your provider?

Let's be honest...

Preparing for birth can be very overwhelming.

Family & peers are all giving you different advice.

The internet seems to be filled with contradicting "facts".

Your provider doesn't have the time to sit with you for hours and break everything down.

Sometimes it feels impossible to sort through all of the information on your own.

I offer 1 on 1 individual virtual sessions for mama's just like you!

1-Hour Virtual Session ONLY $50

(paid at time of booking - non refundable)

Just click the button, choose a day & time that works best for you and make the one-time payment.

You will receive an email confirmation and link to join when it's time.



What does a Doula do?

A Doula provides physical, emotional and educational support throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

What type of births do you support?

I support all types of births. I support births at home, in a birthing center or in a hospital. I support non-medicated and medicated births. My role is to give you the information to make evidence-informed decisions regarding your pregnancy and birth and then to support those decisions whatever they are.

What areas do you serve?

For birth support, I serve all areas between and surrounding Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio. Childbirth education can be done 100% virtually.

What happens if you cannot be at my birth?

When you are my client, you are my #1 priority. I will make every effort to be at your birth as promised. In the rare event I cannot be there such as severe illness or family emergency, I have a backup Doula I work closely with. You will receive her information at one of our prenatal appointments. In addition, I have several back up doula contacts in the community that I work with.

What is your refund policy?

I require a non-refundable 50% deposit at the time of contract signing with the remainder of the fee due at 36 weeks. In the event you decide to cancel I offer a % refund depending on the gestation you are to cancel. Any cancellations past 36 weeks are not refundable. For my refund policy in detail, please contact me for more information

Does a Doula replace the support of my partner?

Doulas and birthing partners work together as a team to provide continuous support to mom throughout labor and delivery. We will practice physical comfort techniques during prenatal appointments so that partners can feel confident in their support on delivery day.

Does having a Doula really make a difference?

YES! Women who have a Doula are much more likely to report a positive birthing experience. Although a Doula cannot guarantee any outcomes, evidence shows that having a doula reduces the rate of birth interventions, medicinal pain relief and C-sections.

How does a Doula support me if I plan to have an epidural?

There are many tools available to a laboring mom and the epidural is one of them. I support all birthing options and make sure you have all the information you need to decide what feels right to you at the time. Before an epidural there are sensations that require focus to work through. I will help to keep you comfortable with providing comfort measures such as breathing, positions, massage and other tools until an epidural is available to you. After the epidural is placed, there is much to be done between resting to manually mobilize the pelvis and encourage baby to continue to rotate & descend now that we do not have the added benefit of gravity.

Is a Doula necessary for me if I had a baby before?

Every birth process is unique and therefore having the experience of a Doula to guide you allows you to go through this journey with more ease and confidence. Many of my clients are on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, even 5th babies when they hire me.

I've heard labor is faster after my first. Why do I need a Doula?

Many experienced parents talk about how the second and subsequent births can go faster than the first experience. This is because the uterine muscle has done this before and therefore can travel through the stages at a greater speed but this is not always the case. Every birth experience is truly unique and there are many variables in birth to be considered. Having a doula's support and expertise can optimize the chances for a more efficient and pleasant birthing experience.

How is Doula support different than family and friends?

Family and friends are an amazing community of support to have. The challenge is that many of them do not have the same experience or unbiased support that a Doula can provide. Friends and family tend to share many of their opinions and may feel that the way they did things are the right way. Your Doula is your guide to find “your” way through this journey.

For more information or to check my availability…

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